Driven by the high practical relevance of the topic, business model innovation has developed into its own discipline in research.
The vibrant new field at the crossroads of innovation and strategy offers many unanswered questions to be explored. Based at the University of St. Gallen, one of Europe’s leading business schools, our team is committed to being at the forefront of business model innovation research. Our academic network includes leading scholars from other universities such as of Stanford (Design School), Berkeley (Haas School of Business), and Harvard (Harvard Business School).
Our current focus topics include:
Process, methods, and tools of business model innovation (construction methodology)
Networks and ecosystems as a driver for BMI
Software/technology and their relationship to BMI
Anchoring of BMI within the organization
Business model patterns and their diffusion across multiple industries
Peer-to-peer business models
Open business models
Business model innovation in emerging markets
The Business Model Navigator
The BMI-Book explains the St. Gallen Business Model Innovation Navigator and the 55 Business Model Patterns. Read more about the background and many practical examples of successful business model innovators.
«… a sensation.»
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Hanser Verlag 2013
Exploring the Field of Business Model Innovation
This book analyses 50 management theories in the context of business model innovation to yield valuable new insights. It presents ‘grand theories’ that will help researchers and refl ective practitioners to approach business model innovation through a di erent angle and to understand their patterns and mechanisms. The authors aim to open up a new debate on the fascinating phenomenon of business models.
The BMI Video
We regularly publish our findings in academic journals and present them at scientific conferences, where we connect with the scientific community and expand our horizons. Recent publications on business model innovation:
Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., Sauer, R. (2016): Exploring the Field of Business Model Innovation – New Theoretical Perspectives. Palgrave MacMillan: London
Gassmann, O., Sauer, R., Hofmann, F. (2015) Geschäftsmodelle radikal innovieren: Der St.Galler Business Model Navigator, In: Innovationscontrolling Bd. 37, Gleich, R., Schimank, C. (Eds.), Haufe: München.
Frankenberger, K., Gassmann, O., Sauer, R., Lee, JY., Meister, C. (2015): CEWE: Business Model Innovation – When Disruptive Technologies Hit You. TheCaseCenter.
Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., Csik, M., Sauer, R., Lee, JY (2015): HOLCIM: Paving the Way Towards Radical Business Model Innovation. TheCaseCenter.
Friesike, S,; Widenmayer, Bastian ; Gassmann, Oliver ; Schildhauer, Thomas: Opening science: towards an agenda of open science. In: Journal of Technology Transfer, (2015), Nr. 40, S. 581-601.
Schweitzer, F., Rau, C., Gassmann, O., Hende, E. (2015): Technologically Reflective Individuals as Enablers of Social Innovation. In:Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(6), (2015), S. 847-860.
Krech, C. A.; Rüther, F.; Gassmann, O. (2015): Profiting from Invention: Business Models of Patent aggregating Companies. In:International Journal of Innovation Management, 19 (2015), Nr. 3, S. 1-26.
Winterhalter, S.; Zeschky, M.; Gassmann, O. (2015): Dual business models in emerging markets: An ambidexterity perspective. In: R & D Management (2015), Nr. forthcoming, S. 1-33.
Schweitzer, F.; Gassmann, O.; Rau, C. (2014).: Lessons from Ideation: Where Does User Involvement Lead Us?. In: Creativity and Innovation Management, 23 (2014), Nr. 2, S. 155-167.
Gassmann, O. (2014): The danger in missing the innovation moment : Companies fail to identify future opportunities because they do not have fresh business models. In: Financial Times (2014)
Zeschky, M.; Winterhalter, S.; Gassmann, O. (2014): From Cost to Frugal and Reverse Innovation : Mapping the Field and Implications for Global Competitiveness. In: Research Technology Management, 57 (2014), Nr. 4, S. 1-8.
Palmié, M.; Keupp, M. M.; Gassmann, O.(2014): Pull the Right Levers: Creating Internationally ‘Useful’ Subsidiary Competence by Organizational Architecture. In: Long Range Planning, 47 (2014), Nr. 1-2, S. 32-48
Frankenberger, K.; Weiblen, T.; Gassmann, O. (2014): The antecedents of open business models : an exploratory study of incumbent firms. In: R&D Management, 44 (2014), Nr. 2, S. 173-188.
Zeschky, M.; Widenmayer, B.; Gassmann, O. (2014): Organizing for reverse innovation in Western MNCs: the role of frugal product innovation capabilities. In: International Journal of Technology Management, 64 (2014), Nr. 2-4, S. 255-275
Frankenberger, K.; Weiblen, T.; Gassmann, O. (2013): Network configuration, customer centricity, and performance of open business models : A solution provider perspective. In: Industrial Marketing Management, Nr. IMM6869
Gassmann, O. (2013): Keine halben Sachen!. In: Harvard Business Manager, (2013), Nr. 2, S. 32-33.
Frankenberger, K.; Weiblen, T.; Csik, M.; Gassmann, O. (2013): The 4I-framework of business model innovation : A structured view on process phases and challenges. In: International Journal of Product Development, 18, Nr. 3/4, S. 249-273.
Keupp, M. M.; Gassmann, O. (2013): Resource constraints as triggers of radical innovation: Longitudinal evidence from the manufacturing sector. In: Research Policy 42 (2013), Nr. 8, S. 1457-1468.
Gassmann, O.; Schweitzer, F. (Hrsg., 2013): Management of the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation, Springer, 339 S.
Gassmann, O.; Frankenberger, K.; Csik, M. (2014): The Business Model Navigator, 55 Models that will revolutionise your Business, FT Publishing Pearson: Harlow, UK, 387 S.
For more publications on strategic management of innovation, click here.